作为一种新兴、环保、高效而又节能的表面处理技术,微弧氧化技术因其制备的陶瓷涂层具有强度高、耐磨、耐腐蚀以及电绝缘等优点而广泛应用于生产、生活的各个领域,如在航空、航天、船舶、汽车、兵器、轻工机械、石油化工、化学化工、电子工程、仪器仪表、医疗卫生等现代工业领域。一直以来,铝合金由于塑性好,比强度高,密度小等特性而被广泛使用,需求之大仅次于钢铁,但其较弱的耐热性、耐磨性和耐蚀性制约了它在航空航天等军事领域的进一步发展,类似的问题也出现在近年来发展势头迅猛的镁合金上面。针对这类问题的解决正是借助于微弧氧化技术,人们通过该技术,在铝合金等金属表面原位生长出结合力牢固,耐热、耐磨、耐腐蚀性能优越的多孔陶瓷膜层,有效地克服了先前的缺陷,从而为大量使用轻合金的国防及航空航天工业开辟了崭新的发展空间。同样,微弧氧化处理后的耐腐蚀陶瓷涂层也很好地使用在石油工业的管道和部件上,显著地延长了它们的使用寿命,缩减了成本。在医疗卫生行业中,钛合金已经被用来制造人工器官(如:牙齿、骨关节等),通过微弧氧化技术处理,能够提高钛合金表面在人体内的耐磨和耐蚀性能。因为微弧氧化膜具有较好的电绝缘特性,所以可以用来取代常用绝缘材料包裹的方法,直接对电子、仪器仪表中特殊部件进行绝缘处理。在民用工业领域,如建筑、装饰等行业,现阶段人们已经可以利用微弧氧化技术制备出既美观又经久耐用的装饰性保护涂层,既美化了生活又提升了品质[61-63]。表 3总结了微弧氧化技术的部分应用领域。图 8为典型的微弧氧化技术应用实例。
Fields | Scope | Coatings |
Aeronautics and Astronautics high precision device industry | Heat resistant, corrosion resistant, impact resistant components; Launch vehicle, aircraft parts and all aluminum magnesium alloy parts anodized | Wear resistant, heat resistant and corrosion resistant coatings |
Machinery manufacturing (textile, food, packaging machinery, etc.) | Spinning cup, spinning plate, hand pressing, roller, cylinders and pistons for shafts, linings, valve sleeves, spools, gears, pneumatic components in friction pairs | Wear resistant and corrosion resistant coatings |
Automotive industry | Various aluminum and magnesium alloy components, engine cases, pistons, carburetors, wheels, etc. | Wear resistant, heat resistant and corrosion resistant coatings |
Building materials decoration industry | High grade accessories for doors and windows | Wear resistant and corrosion resistant coatings |
Weapon manufacturing industry | Storage tanks, projectile jets, rocket engine jets, military vehicles, projectile tail wings, gun bodies, various testing instruments | Wear resistant, heat resistant and corrosion resistant coatings |
Medical device industry | Artificial joints, medical instruments, etc. | Wear resistant and corrosion resistant coatings |
Electronic appliances, communication equipment industry | High grade mobile phones, notebooks, camera cases, etc., heat-resistant/heat-conductive substrates (e.g., high-power LED lighting, electric iron bottom) | Wear resistant, heat resistant, corrosion resistant and insulation coatings |
Petroleum, chemical industry | Pipe, valve, tank | Wear resistant, heat resistant, corrosion resistant and insulation coatings |
High-grade consumer goods industry | High grade kitchen utensils, high grade cosmetic shell | Wear resistant, heat resistant and corrosion resistant coatings |